HSE Books
The best Nebosh IGC Books for Preparation
“NEBOSH IGC Study Notes” by RRC International – This book provides a concise summary of the NEBOSH International General Certificate (IGC) syllabus, covering topics such

Deepwater Horizon: A Tragic Lesson in Offshore Safety
The Deepwater Horizon disaster Offshore Safety, one of the most catastrophic environmental incidents in history, occurred on April 20, 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico.

Safety Failure: The Rana Plaza Incident
The Rana Plaza incident due to safety failure, which took place on April 24, 2013, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, stands as one of the deadliest industrial
The Best Associate Safety Professionals (ASP) Books with whole concepts
The Associate Safety Professional (ASP) is a certification offered by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) that recognizes individuals who have demonstrated knowledge and
The Best IOSH MS RRC Book
The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) is a professional body that aims to promote workplace safety and health. The IOSH Managing Safety (MS)

AOSH Food Safety Presentation
AOSH (Arab Occupational Safety and Health) is a certification body that offers training and certification programs for individuals and organizations in the Middle East and